Find the Lithops!

12 Dec

Not much happening on the Lithops shelf.  The cold of winter has finally settled upon us and my adult plants are in their happy slumber.  I look forward to seeing their new bodies emerge over the next few months!

As for the seedlings….with this new batch, I’m reminded just how slowly baby Lithops grow.  Ugh, I’m not a patient woman!  And I am finding these babies more of a challenge to care for than the last batch.  The stones dry out so much more quickly then the sand; I find myself misting them three to four times a day as opposed to twice a day with my previous batch.  I think the coolness of the room isn’t really helping them either.  I keep the plant room cool in the winter to accommodate the adult Lithops and to encourage my orchids to bloom; I think the baby Lithops would thrive in a warmer environment.  Maybe someone bought me some new plant lights for Christmas  =/

Anyway, while I was misting last night, I was struck by the amazing camouflage of the Aucampiae seedlings.  I really had to look hard to see them; they certainly do look like little stones at this age.  Let’s see how many you can find!  I promise, they are in there 🙂


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Posted by on December 12, 2013 in Aucampie, Seedlings


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